Sunday 2 December 2012

logo research

Pattern of floral had became part of the melayu identity is because Islam norms forbid animal images as decoration.Therefor, it became a form of art that applies natural elements of the surrounding to become the its unique identity and way of life.Here's some interesting visual i found from the blog(
I remember i had learn this before during my high school in Pendidikan Seni Visual,can't believe it did apply to my university level.
The melayu way of craving are not just aesthetically wise but with purpose.
Principles Carving
1. As complement and and support the design
2. Determined by the type and size as well as the use of martial arts
3. Motive need harmony with the environment. Usually used  flora motif symbol in  surroundings.
4. Philosophical and spiritual application of the Malays, while maintaining its religious values​​.

I did some flip back to all my Seni Book

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