Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Report

--> 1. Brief Introduction

After a weeks of research and progress, finally we've come to the conclusion of our research.We have chosen an advertisement from D'Herbs Sdn. Bhd. Below is the picture of the advertisement. The advertisement as shown in the picture is about a product for women to regain their virginity like body especially after they gave birth to their child.

--> 2. It's Purpose

The advertisement were mainly for women who is married and commonly the user of this kind of product were Malays in majority or you can even said all users of this product were Malays.

--> 3. It's Relation To The Culture And Society It Was Made For  

This product main function is to tighten up the vagina to the original state of virginity likewise. The product were strongly related to Malay ethnic since Malay tend to keep themselves in good shape even if they were married. Most of the Malay uses local product called “ jamu “ to make them look young and maintain their inner beauty. The other ethnic like Chinese and Indian rarely use this product or you can even say they never even use this product at all.

--> 4. Why Do You See The Need Of Change

The advertisement needed to be change in various factors. First of all, the information is scrambled. The information aren’t properly organized and even unimportant information were included inside the advertisement. Second, the improper use of typography. Not only with the wrong usage of typography,they even use a short form like words which is unacceptable since there are people who doesn’t know what are those short words stands for. The advertisement also portray a sexual perception on the first impression. The message on the advertisement is heavily based on sexual perception along with an offensive image. Moreover, the design is way too plain and the structural design of that advertisement is not suitable at all.

--> 5. How Different And Effective Is Our idea In Relation To Culture And Consumerism

We have come up with several ideas on how to make it look better and much more attractive. Our ideas will have much more impact on the audience than the previous advertisement since we’ll made a major modification on it. Not only we’ll make the advertisement much more attractive, but in the same time simple and publicly acceptable. We believe that our newly made advertisement  will not only adapt to the local culture, but it will have a good effect on consumerism aspect as well compared to the previous advertisement shown.

--> 6. Short Rationale Of Our Work

For the modification, we have plan to reconstruct the text structure. We will replace the improper words with a good and much more suitable words like slogans. We even will adjust the font type, size and the font colour as well to make the design much more simpler and attractive. A little of typography effect will be applied as well. For the picture we will replace it with their product picture along with silhoutte drawing and adjust it to suit with the public view especially from Islamic view sice this product were mainly based in Malaysia.We will also improve on the layouts of the advertisement as the previous advertisement didn’t have any layouts at all and the background colour of that previous advertisement will be redesign again to match up with the contents of it. Here's the picture of our newly designed advertisement.

Reference :



Layout Reasearch references:

Developing Effective Advertising, 2010. Developing Effective Advertising. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 November 2012]

Effective Design in Advertising, 2012. Effective Design in Advertising. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 November 2012]

Malay culture:

Malaysian Malay =

Ethnic Malay =

Malay = 

Austronesien people =

Best Location survey = Kampung Manjoi =\

Flower reference =


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