Wednesday 12 December 2012

Thank you Ms.Jinchi
for everything, we will see you again in semester 4

Thursday 6 December 2012

Extra Reference idea

Thanks to lecture who question us during our presentation:"Why does flower associate with woman?"
Good question.

The main reason is :"
"Because it's what we've been trained to expect...
Flowers symbolize romance and affection. Women like flowers because they're beautiful, smell nice, and mean that the person who sent/brought them is thinking of us"(
It had been some kind manifesto philosophy since we born.The gentle beauty of flower.

The Banner

The initial one

I was planning to remove the company logo .But my team suggested if i remove the logo, the product will lose its identity

The very final

Final Report

--> 1. Brief Introduction

After a weeks of research and progress, finally we've come to the conclusion of our research.We have chosen an advertisement from D'Herbs Sdn. Bhd. Below is the picture of the advertisement. The advertisement as shown in the picture is about a product for women to regain their virginity like body especially after they gave birth to their child.

--> 2. It's Purpose

The advertisement were mainly for women who is married and commonly the user of this kind of product were Malays in majority or you can even said all users of this product were Malays.

--> 3. It's Relation To The Culture And Society It Was Made For  

This product main function is to tighten up the vagina to the original state of virginity likewise. The product were strongly related to Malay ethnic since Malay tend to keep themselves in good shape even if they were married. Most of the Malay uses local product called “ jamu “ to make them look young and maintain their inner beauty. The other ethnic like Chinese and Indian rarely use this product or you can even say they never even use this product at all.

--> 4. Why Do You See The Need Of Change

The advertisement needed to be change in various factors. First of all, the information is scrambled. The information aren’t properly organized and even unimportant information were included inside the advertisement. Second, the improper use of typography. Not only with the wrong usage of typography,they even use a short form like words which is unacceptable since there are people who doesn’t know what are those short words stands for. The advertisement also portray a sexual perception on the first impression. The message on the advertisement is heavily based on sexual perception along with an offensive image. Moreover, the design is way too plain and the structural design of that advertisement is not suitable at all.

--> 5. How Different And Effective Is Our idea In Relation To Culture And Consumerism

We have come up with several ideas on how to make it look better and much more attractive. Our ideas will have much more impact on the audience than the previous advertisement since we’ll made a major modification on it. Not only we’ll make the advertisement much more attractive, but in the same time simple and publicly acceptable. We believe that our newly made advertisement  will not only adapt to the local culture, but it will have a good effect on consumerism aspect as well compared to the previous advertisement shown.

--> 6. Short Rationale Of Our Work

For the modification, we have plan to reconstruct the text structure. We will replace the improper words with a good and much more suitable words like slogans. We even will adjust the font type, size and the font colour as well to make the design much more simpler and attractive. A little of typography effect will be applied as well. For the picture we will replace it with their product picture along with silhoutte drawing and adjust it to suit with the public view especially from Islamic view sice this product were mainly based in Malaysia.We will also improve on the layouts of the advertisement as the previous advertisement didn’t have any layouts at all and the background colour of that previous advertisement will be redesign again to match up with the contents of it. Here's the picture of our newly designed advertisement.

Reference :



Layout Reasearch references:

Developing Effective Advertising, 2010. Developing Effective Advertising. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 November 2012]

Effective Design in Advertising, 2012. Effective Design in Advertising. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 November 2012]

Malay culture:

Malaysian Malay =

Ethnic Malay =

Malay = 

Austronesien people =

Best Location survey = Kampung Manjoi =\

Flower reference =


It's purpose

Although the product itself is already very sensitive itself-"its something relating to sexual intimacy" ,something which typical Malaysian are shy to speak of.Yet, we made a decision to explore this product further more.
First of all, the way of the company advertise this product had provoke some sensitive acceptance from the Melay point of view.Nevertheless, i find it quite disturbing at the same time.

Why we choose this product?
I believe there is a better solution to sell this kind of sensitive / intimacy products.A proper way of advertising should do the job.After all, we are all visual creature.We tend to look at things that are attractive.

According to Kotler& Rath, (1984) “when consumers are given the choice of two products, equal in price and function, target consumers buy the one that they consider to be more attractive"

Quoted adopted from a Book : <Marketing management: Analysis, planning, and control> from 
Kotler, Philip
by Kenny Chew

The purpose of the product was to enhance the sexual pleasure of woman who has delivered child.
Woman's vagina will became loose after  the normal birthing process,of childbirth.
You may have a look at my previous post about the products function :

reproduction in flowers

I chosen flower as part of the logo design because of this.
Reproduction system which has associations with woman.

"The flower is the reproductive organ of a flowering plant. Many seed plants form seeds inside flowers. For reproduction to take place, pollen grains from the male stamen must be carried to the female part of the flower, the pistil. Two ways that flowers are pollinated are by insects and by the wind. The insects like the bright petals and the sweet smell of the flowers. They land on the flowers to drink a liquid called nectar. When bees touch the stamen, pollen sticks to the bees. When the bees move around the flower, pollen is transfered to the pistil. Pollination leads to the making of one or more seeds in a flower."

How does it link to woman?
In  point of view, the flower are able to carry out self reproduction.As for woman, they pregnant for 9 months before a baby was born.Both do same something in common , in concept term~carry both male and female genetic(flower : stamen from male and pistil from female / semen and embryo) and reproductive.

tHESE are some example of logos i took for inspiration.

The part leaf is part of the company identity.Therefor i still keep that image remain in the new design.

Besides, i have downloaded a free vector pattern from

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Logo new thoughs

On my last conversation with my lecture, she suggested I should look into the reference of the songkok,batik design ,wayang kulit and craving which are all traditional malay culture. Reconsider again of the target audience. The initial idea of my team are to re-advertise the product to a less confronting and consider some censorship. Obviously the picture of an old man hugging a young woman is consider offensive and inappropriate.
When I finally began the process of redesigning the product’s logo of my team had chosen.
I realized a couple of issue at very last minutes, something which I have not even though about for the past few weeks. If you take a visit to the the product company im improvised on: (

The 1st impression you will get is the language ,color tone, and the image of the products. It’s all in malay. If I consider malay culture in part of my redesigning the product again, it wouldn’t be better than just reduplicate another design which is “malay” product. I took another close look at the assignment brief and realized, this is a chance for me to rebranding and advertise the product  in a new way.Thus, it gave me a hard though and a potential , what if I redefine the product itself and not entirely base on just malay target audience?
What if the product goes into the international market rather just local market when they are just focusing on a single race itself? What will a foreign consumer, the Chinese, the Indians woman look at the original product, would they spend another second looking at it or just quickly jump into a conclusion that this is a malay thing? I’m speaking  in a general term. Would it be better if the way of product represent themselves in a brand new name, packaging and its image to a general term where all of the women could benefit from it. As you know Malaysian are a diversity nation where many cultures and ethics living under one roof. Based on sad tragic which took place in the past, the 513 incident where riot caught on fire between different races, we all know that a single races couldn’t just be more selfish on their own. I believe this lesson and way of thinking are the same goes to the product. It shouldn’t be just mainly focusing on their own ethic even though it was manufacture by a malay company.
Therefor,I believe my final design of the logo itself should be something more in general terms. What I mean is that the design itself should  have something where woman shared and not cultural based.There are no difference between a malay woman and chinese,indian right? Just the cultural background,language and skin colour are different and they all still share the same genetic  body.

TO ME I THINK mature purple, pink suits our target audience

Tuesday 4 December 2012

All Those Colors and Our Concept

Colors don't just make things pretty for us to see, of course they are used for a purpose and attracting attention as well. The online article Developing Effective Advertising states that "Research on the productivity of color in newspaper advertising invariably shows increased readership as well as increased sales from ads that use color. Adding color raises the cost of the ad, but the increased results are substantially greater than the increased costs."

The use of colors already make an image more attractive, but colors have purpose and meaning as well. Colors can be used to instill or bring out emotions and conceptions from a person's mind. Certainly colors convey certain messages and feelings. for example from the same online article above, a description of the effects a color has is given.
"Red - Suggests excitement, heat, strength and is a good color to use in a sale ad.
Yellow - Conveys brightness, airiness, refreshment. Warning: yellow gets lost on white paper, so always surround areas of yellow with a border of black or another dark tone.
Blue - As a cold color, can convey formality and haughtiness in its darker shades and fragility, daintiness and youthfulness in the lighter tones.
Orange - A color of warmth, action, power.
Green - Another cool color, suggests cheapness and coldness in its darker tones while conveying freshness and crispness in its lighter shades.
Purple - A color of royalty and stateliness.
Maroon - Suggests luxury, solidity, quietness.
Brown - Implies age, wholesomeness, utility.
White - Means purity, cleanliness, chastity.
Black - Conveys mystery, strength, heaviness."

Research and analysis on the subject can be further found at

Studies carried out by Wexner in 1954

Valdez and Mehrabian, psychologists, conducted a study to investigate emotional reactions to color in 1994

For our advertisement, if we were to follow the ideas on colors and the product we would be advertising there are some colors we would and would not use. The colors that would probably be used predominantly are Reds, Yellows, Light Blues, Light Greens, or White.

Bringing our concept to light:

Here are two rough drafts using the Z Style layout. The Z layout has potential to attract viewers because it can combine the single visual with more information.  Most people would not notice the text first.


The main demographic for this ad are married Malay/Malaysian couples. As it is wrong to use sexual images in the Malay culture we had to use other imagery to show intimacy. We decided on the concept n holding hands, while not being vulgar it still shows intimacy.

  An image of the product is also in the layout although smaller to make use of the Z layout where the point of interest flows accordingly. This also allows us to give more information on the product.

Effectiveness of Advertisement Layouts

Sometimes people walk past advertisements as if they did not exist, where as sometimes they just have to stop and actually look at it for a while. An effective advertisement makes people notice. If people notice your advertisement then your ad has done its purpose, to create interest and attract customers. The effectiveness of an advertisement is comprised of many things but once of the most important is the layout.

One way to handle the layout is a five step process proposed by David Ogilvy. The Ogilvy layout consists of the following:
  • Visual – Place your photos and/or graphics at the top of the page
  • Caption – If you are using a photo, place a short caption underneath.
  • Headline – The headline of your ad goes next.
  • Copy – Follow your headline with effective ad copy
  • Signature – Place your company’s name and contact information at the bottom right of your ad. This is the last place the reader’s eye will go.

Z Layout
  • Place all the contents of you ad in the form of a “Z”. Put the most important elements on the top of the “Z”. The eye will naturally follow the pattern. Place your “call to action” or your signature at the very end of the “Z”.
        A good example of the Z layout is this great eye catching Puma ad. From the image dominant on the left, to the caption on the right, corporate info on the bottom left, and logo at the bottom right.

Single Visual Layout
  • The principle of this layout is “less is more”. This is a simplistic, yet powerful ad. There is only one visual element followed by a simple headline and short ad copy.
An advertisement for the Boston Marathon using the Single Visual Layout.

Illustrated Layout
  • There is not much room for audience interpretation with this layout. This ad shows the actual product or service offered. It demonstrates what it does, how it works and what it accomplishes.
Top Heavy Layout
  • This layout puts strong emphasis on the visual element of the ad. The photo or graphic design is placed in the top half or the left side of the ad. It is then followed with the headline and copy.
 Upside Down Layout
  • This layout is as simply as it sounds: turn your ad upside down. After you finish designing your ad, you may find it is even more powerful in its opposite layout. "
These layout styles are some of the ones shared by the article Effective Designs in Advertising.

-Hijaz Radzi

Monday 3 December 2012

design logo : Intimacy

Design picture for the Ad

Before                                                                         After

Kenny, I think using this picture is nice, only need some editing. Just giving an opinion.

Get to know Malay.

These are some links that you may click and discover who and what are Malay and where they originated from.

Malaysian Malay =

Ethnic Malay =

Malay =

Sunday 2 December 2012

logo research

Pattern of floral had became part of the melayu identity is because Islam norms forbid animal images as decoration.Therefor, it became a form of art that applies natural elements of the surrounding to become the its unique identity and way of life.Here's some interesting visual i found from the blog(
I remember i had learn this before during my high school in Pendidikan Seni Visual,can't believe it did apply to my university level.
The melayu way of craving are not just aesthetically wise but with purpose.
Principles Carving
1. As complement and and support the design
2. Determined by the type and size as well as the use of martial arts
3. Motive need harmony with the environment. Usually used  flora motif symbol in  surroundings.
4. Philosophical and spiritual application of the Malays, while maintaining its religious values​​.

I did some flip back to all my Seni Book

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Logo ideas

Since the products is mainly for woman after marriage and kids.
The choice of its colour should be something more feminine and mature such as dark pink,mature violet
This is the logo used by the company.You could check up their website as well(, which the layout and visibility are quite terrible.It's unorganized and appealing to me as a consumer.

Anyway, the product we are focusing are
D'Herbs : Juice Perawan Plus Collagen
Here's the description i found from the website:( I tried google translate it)
D'Virgin Juice Nutrition Herbs: 1) Treat & white problem of irregular menstruation. 
2) Raise the hips & breast bone to be more curvaceous women & flexible. 
3) Nourishing womb & peranakkan women (good for women that are difficult to reproduce). 
4) Stress & radiant skin. 
5) Delay monopous. 
6) Provide internal energy of women. 
7) Enhances immune system. Reduce menstrual cramps.
 9) Increase sexual desire woman & husband & wife relationship 
10) Ideal for girl & married women. D'Virgin Herbs Juice Content: Nur Fatimah, Manjakani, Pueraria Mirifica, Acai Berry, Dates, Honey, Roselle, Pomegranate, Collagen & Water Refined.)

I'm looking into some keyword reference since im in charge of redesigning the logo of this products.
Keywords such as ( sexual intimacy, islamic craving, floral and fauna,simplicity)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Choosing the best slogan

From the ealier Post Best Slogan Chosen By The People .

27% : Isteri menawan tambatan hati Suami .
27% : Suami bertambah sayang Isteri bertambah cinta.

We can see that most malay choose these two slogan as the best and suitable slogan for the advertisement.

from my point of view we should use "Isteri menawan tambatan hati Suami" as the slogan because it starts of with the wife preparing herself for the husband, moreover the Product is for women not men.
-Khairul Ridhwan Muzafar shah-

Ethnicity and Religious In Malaysia


Malaysia is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse nations in the world, where the co-existence of these various groups is largely peaceful. The Malays are the largest ethnic group at 50.4% of the population and are also the group in power. They are followed by the Chinese at 23.7% of the population, Indigenous groups at 11%, and the Indian population at 7.1%.

The religious divisions are closely correlated with these ethnic groups (Figure 2), with 60.5% of the population following Islam, 19.2% following Buddhist beliefs, 9.1% following the Christian faith, 6.3% following Hindu teachings, 2.6% following Traditional Chinese religions such as Confucianism and Taoism, and 2.3% following either another belief system or none at all.

The official language is Bahasa Malaysia (or Bahasa Melayu), however English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, and Foochow), several Indian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi), and Thai are also widely spoken. Other indigenous languages are spoken on the East Coast in Sabah and Sarawak, where Iban and Kadazan are the major languages (CIA World Factbook, 2010).

Figure 2 - Ethnic Groups in Malaysia: Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, Indigenous 11.0%, Indian 7.1%, Other 7.8%

Figure 2 - Distribution of Religion in Malaysia : Islam 60.5%, Buddhism 19.2%, Christianity 9.1%, Hinduism 6.3%, Traditional Chinese 2.6%, Other 2.3%


Malaysia is a complex nation, home to a population of diverse ethnicities and one that is quickly adapting to the opportunities of the world's interconnectedness.
With its large Muslim population, Islamic values remain important drivers of products in Malaysia.