Sunday 18 November 2012

Symbol solution

I found this book from the library and just realized the concept of symbol,which are simple and direct.

I took reference and did some sketches.I think this is also a good approach and we need reference of vagina or fertility or woman things like that or fruit which are related to the product.

What is logo?
-a graphic representation or symbol of acompany name, trademark, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.( )

You may be feel overwhelmed by the culture of corporate nowadays and of course the tendency to associate with big brand such as the mac,LV,these and that.
Each company should have the responsibility of deliver honest and appealing ,meaningful product and services.Their reputation are then represented with their logo and it can be quickly destroyed or affected just in case if their logos are not well designed and beautiful to look at.This same goes to their advertising scheme

Reference : sa

" Brand –The perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.

Identity – The visual aspects that form part of the overall brand.
Logo – Identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark or icon.

A logo is for identification.

A logo identifies a company or product via the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. A logo does not sell the company directly nor rarely does it describe a business. Logo’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolises, not the other way around – logos are there to identity, not to explain.


Therefor,logo will be the first impression on how the consumer primary perceive the products ( PRODUCT PERCEPTION)

According to Kotler& Rath, (1984) “when consumers are given the choice of two products, equal in price and function, target consumers buy the one that they consider to be more attractive"

According to an article by Bloch (1995), the product form is significant in a larger sense because it affects the quality of our lives due to the perception of beautifully designed products that may provide a sensory pleasure and stimulation

me goes to their advertising scheme. 

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