Wednesday 28 November 2012

Logo ideas

Since the products is mainly for woman after marriage and kids.
The choice of its colour should be something more feminine and mature such as dark pink,mature violet
This is the logo used by the company.You could check up their website as well(, which the layout and visibility are quite terrible.It's unorganized and appealing to me as a consumer.

Anyway, the product we are focusing are
D'Herbs : Juice Perawan Plus Collagen
Here's the description i found from the website:( I tried google translate it)
D'Virgin Juice Nutrition Herbs: 1) Treat & white problem of irregular menstruation. 
2) Raise the hips & breast bone to be more curvaceous women & flexible. 
3) Nourishing womb & peranakkan women (good for women that are difficult to reproduce). 
4) Stress & radiant skin. 
5) Delay monopous. 
6) Provide internal energy of women. 
7) Enhances immune system. Reduce menstrual cramps.
 9) Increase sexual desire woman & husband & wife relationship 
10) Ideal for girl & married women. D'Virgin Herbs Juice Content: Nur Fatimah, Manjakani, Pueraria Mirifica, Acai Berry, Dates, Honey, Roselle, Pomegranate, Collagen & Water Refined.)

I'm looking into some keyword reference since im in charge of redesigning the logo of this products.
Keywords such as ( sexual intimacy, islamic craving, floral and fauna,simplicity)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Choosing the best slogan

From the ealier Post Best Slogan Chosen By The People .

27% : Isteri menawan tambatan hati Suami .
27% : Suami bertambah sayang Isteri bertambah cinta.

We can see that most malay choose these two slogan as the best and suitable slogan for the advertisement.

from my point of view we should use "Isteri menawan tambatan hati Suami" as the slogan because it starts of with the wife preparing herself for the husband, moreover the Product is for women not men.
-Khairul Ridhwan Muzafar shah-

Ethnicity and Religious In Malaysia


Malaysia is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse nations in the world, where the co-existence of these various groups is largely peaceful. The Malays are the largest ethnic group at 50.4% of the population and are also the group in power. They are followed by the Chinese at 23.7% of the population, Indigenous groups at 11%, and the Indian population at 7.1%.

The religious divisions are closely correlated with these ethnic groups (Figure 2), with 60.5% of the population following Islam, 19.2% following Buddhist beliefs, 9.1% following the Christian faith, 6.3% following Hindu teachings, 2.6% following Traditional Chinese religions such as Confucianism and Taoism, and 2.3% following either another belief system or none at all.

The official language is Bahasa Malaysia (or Bahasa Melayu), however English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, and Foochow), several Indian languages (Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi), and Thai are also widely spoken. Other indigenous languages are spoken on the East Coast in Sabah and Sarawak, where Iban and Kadazan are the major languages (CIA World Factbook, 2010).

Figure 2 - Ethnic Groups in Malaysia: Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, Indigenous 11.0%, Indian 7.1%, Other 7.8%

Figure 2 - Distribution of Religion in Malaysia : Islam 60.5%, Buddhism 19.2%, Christianity 9.1%, Hinduism 6.3%, Traditional Chinese 2.6%, Other 2.3%


Malaysia is a complex nation, home to a population of diverse ethnicities and one that is quickly adapting to the opportunities of the world's interconnectedness.
With its large Muslim population, Islamic values remain important drivers of products in Malaysia.

Malay Culture (Why So Sensitive?)

In Malaysia "sensitivity" isn't just a word. It is a way of life. Malays have their own identity and some of the most important identities of the Malays are Islam, the Malay Kings, the language and the costumes. Malay culture is rich with an attitude of grace, courtesy, manners, morals, and traditional Malay customs still apply in malaysia. They are also very sensitive, if someone was a Malay and behaves indecentlyit may give a bad image towards the Malay culture. Malays, maintain their culture and avoid shame both in public and private. The culture is a personal concept that embraces qualities such as a good name, good character, and being held in esteem by one's peers. culture is considered a commodity that can be given, lost, taken away, or earned. On top of the culture also extends to the family, school, company, and even the nation itself.
The desire to maintain the culture makes Malays strive for harmonious relationships.
A culture can be lost by openly criticizing, insulting, or putting someone on the spot; doing something that brings shame to the culture itself.

For example here are some general gift giving etiquette guidelines:
Gift giving to Malays:
• If invited to someone's home for dinner, bring the hostess pastries or good quality chocolates.

• Never give alcohol.
• Do not give toy dogs or pigs to children.
• Do not give anything made of pigskin.
• Avoid white wrapping paper as it symbolizes death and mourning.
• Avoid yellow wrapping paper, as it is the color of royalty.
• If you give food, it must be “halal” (meaning permissible for Muslims).
• Offer gifts with the right hand only or both hands if the item is large.
• Gifts are generally not opened when received.

We gathered our information from:


feedback towards religous and culture (%)

47% from the survey talk about how this advertisement gives a bad image towards the malay culture.
53% from the survey talk about how this advertisement gives a bad impression towards Muslim in Malaysia.

Pie Chart (Offended by the Advertisement)

From the above Pie Chart we can say that 75% of the malay culture got offended by the advertisement. It has shown that 67% from whom was offended was women.

Best Slogan Chosen By The People

The people has voted:
18% -Mengulangi kembali memori malam pertama.
23% -Menggamit hubungan seperti dahulu.
5%   -Merapatkan jurang yang tercipta di antara suami isteri.
27% -Isteri menawan tambatan hati suami.
27% -Suami bertambah sayang isteri bertambah cinta.

Monday 26 November 2012


For Our Survey, The best Choice of Location is 'Kampung Manjoi' that is located in IPOH,PERAK.
The Reason why is because it has a population of 40,000 malay and known as The Largest Malay Village in Malaysia. It was founded around 1900 by a couple named Uda Kidal (husband) and Teh Manja (wife). They named the village after a pious man named 'TOK MANJOI'. The village became a malay village untill Now. Malay culture is still embedded in Manjoi village. Until now manjoi village remains a developing Malay village and remains the largest malay village in malaysia.

refference :\

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Questionairre

This is the questionairre that we have come up with after a several minutes of group discussion.
There's 10 question as we stated before.This questionairre were created to gather data in order
for us to redesign the advertisement and in the same time to see on how the public reacts upon
seeing this advertisement.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Symbol solution

I found this book from the library and just realized the concept of symbol,which are simple and direct.

I took reference and did some sketches.I think this is also a good approach and we need reference of vagina or fertility or woman things like that or fruit which are related to the product.

What is logo?
-a graphic representation or symbol of acompany name, trademark, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.( )

You may be feel overwhelmed by the culture of corporate nowadays and of course the tendency to associate with big brand such as the mac,LV,these and that.
Each company should have the responsibility of deliver honest and appealing ,meaningful product and services.Their reputation are then represented with their logo and it can be quickly destroyed or affected just in case if their logos are not well designed and beautiful to look at.This same goes to their advertising scheme

Reference : sa

" Brand –The perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.

Identity – The visual aspects that form part of the overall brand.
Logo – Identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark or icon.

A logo is for identification.

A logo identifies a company or product via the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. A logo does not sell the company directly nor rarely does it describe a business. Logo’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolises, not the other way around – logos are there to identity, not to explain.


Therefor,logo will be the first impression on how the consumer primary perceive the products ( PRODUCT PERCEPTION)

According to Kotler& Rath, (1984) “when consumers are given the choice of two products, equal in price and function, target consumers buy the one that they consider to be more attractive"

According to an article by Bloch (1995), the product form is significant in a larger sense because it affects the quality of our lives due to the perception of beautifully designed products that may provide a sensory pleasure and stimulation

me goes to their advertising scheme. 

Tutorial time

Finally we had our 2nd tutorial time with out lecture.
This time we explored more on concept, the creative ways of recreate the advertisement.
How we can make the ad less offensive in a way. 

As soon as our tutorial time ended, we had discussion right away since most of us are busy with tons of assignment.After some 20 minutes heavy of brainstorming, we finally listed out 10 question and ready to ask our target audience.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Progression Update

We have gone through a series of progression. And now we landed on Questionnaire. After a series of discussion, we have decided the question and we will start distributing the questionnaire ASAP. In the meantime, me (Nazrul ) and Khairul already found out some of the research material needed. For me I were entrusted to think for a new slogans that will fit with the advertisement and I've jotted down some and for Khairul he was assigned to do some research about local culture. As for Hijaz and Kenny, they were still working on the visual designs and the layout as well.Anyway here some of the new slogans that I could think of for now.

This is the previous advertisement slogan ;

" Oh!! isteri ku yg sendat,dan ketat.. abg hari-hari melekat "

This is the list of new slogans that I've think of so far ;

- " Mengulangi kembali memori malam pertama "
- " Menggamit hubungan seperti dahulu "
- " Merapatkan jurang yang tercipta diantara suami isteri "
- " Isteri menawan tambatan hati suami "
- " Suami bertambah sayang Isteri bertambah cinta "

Feel free to comment and pick out the best slogans. The votings start now :)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Group Idea Brainstorm 3

This is our basic sketches done when we were having a group discussion. Most of us agree on using sillhouttes and we currently trying to look for more ideas that can suit our design needs. We will update for more information. That is all for now.
Drawn by Kenny Chew

Group Idea Brainstorm 2

After a several discussion and observation on basic idea brainstorming we've come down to this as the picture shown. We plan to reconstruct back the typography usage and adding some good looking effects on it in order to make it attractive. We also will replace the vulgar slogan with a proper slogan that is less offensive but in the same time convey the same message in a proper way. We will also make use of the colours in order to make the advertisement attractive to the viewer. As for the picture, we will use illustration or drawing to replace the previous existing picture. Since the advertisement design were too plain, our group will do something on the design as well.

Group Idea Brainstom 1

we have picked out one of the bad advertisement and we all started to get more information on it. We have jotted down the weakness of that advertisement alongside with the solution to solve it. Anyhow further research is needed in order to improve the advertisement design as much as we could.

Here is the few details on our group discussion with the picture of our rough discussion noted down.

The text in the advertisement itself tell us the big picture why that advertisement failed. The text content were scattered, and thus it cause a little confusion for user to interprete the information on that advertisement. More over the improper usage can be seen on the main slogan to attract the customer. The typography didnt blend with the advertisement at all and the slogan portray sexual impression at a very first look. Besides, the advertisement were overloaded with information and it can cause the viewer who view the advertisement to lose interest on it. The picture on the advertisement were offensive to some of the local culture here especially Muslims.For muslims it is not proper to be affectionate in the public. The design on the advertisement were too plain. There's nothing much done on the layout.

Friday 2 November 2012

When new ideas came

Getting lose somewhere in the thinking process is also a good thing.
We are lucky because we had great tutor to guide us along the way.
Ideas, direction,new though are created when Ms.Jinchi come and analysis and pinpoint our progression.