Wednesday 31 October 2012

Discrimination against Chinese ?

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This ad was shot by 8TV Malaysia and had caused strings of angry comments on the company Facebook page.It was consider inappropriate in the non-Muslim ethic when the choose Chinese as the lead character in the advertisement to do all those Do and Don'ts of muslim practice.

As many should have know the dark history of malaysia~ the riot which took place on May 13th.The ferocious battle between the Chinese and Malay. To my point of view, i think 8tv had failed to convey the message to educate the society.Why not they just use 3 major ethic in the advertisment which include Indians, Chinese ,Malay and it would be great if there's some sub role for the Orang Asli.Thus , it would have show the diversity of culture and people rather than just Chinese whom be the victim.

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