Wednesday 31 October 2012

Intentional or not...It's still Discrimination

A big issue often criticized in advertising is Discrimination. Sometimes it is used intentionally to spark a reaction, and sometimes (If they are completely aloof, unlikely) it may have come out to look that way unintentionally.

Firstly is this Ad by Intel
 In the magazine ad you see runners in starting position and management standing near the middle. Yeah right, who really sees that. The first thing you would notice is that the athletes are of African heritage and that management is a white male. What is even more powerful is that the poses make the athletes look subservient. It is understood that in this day and age the best runners and athletes are indeed of African decent but the positioning is in poor taste and is sure to spark criticism.

Following with that idea, this is an ad by Sony for their PsP white version. A black female is being looked down on and aggressively held by a Caucasian female with a threatening scowl.

Hijaz Bin Mohd Radzi 1002d77974

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